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Funerals at St James'

Every funeral and every death is different. You might feel numb at first and then a mixture of grief, gratitude, joy and anger – perhaps all mixed together. You might be hurting with the tragedy of an unexpected death, or perhaps you are grateful for a long and fruitful life.

A Christian funeral is available to all people whether they are regular worshippers in their local church or not.

Some people find planning the funeral with family and friends helps in their grieving. Perhaps you already know something of what your loved one wanted.  You may even have planned the service together some time ago.  If you are uncertain, the minister who will lead the service can help you choose suitable readings, hymns and prayers.

Some deaths will be especially traumatic, distressing or unexpected. The Church has special funerals for children, or after sudden or violent deaths, including suicide. We would be honoured to talk with you about what is possible.

Funerals can also raise profound personal questions about the meaning of life and death, this is perfectly normal. There may not be much time around the funeral to properly reflect on these matters, but you can come back to them later and a member of the St. James’ team would be very happy to talk with you about how you are feeling and the questions and thoughts this has raised.

The Church of England has provided some helpful resources for those planning funerals.

Sundays at St James

Bereavement Café - bereavement support group

Meeting weekly in Farnham, the group is supported by pastoral assistants and bereavement visitors attached to various Farnham Christian churches, and allows an opportunity for those who are bereaved and lonely to meet others who understand.

Bereavement Café meet every Monday afternoon 3 - 4:30pm for tea and chat at The Spire Café, Farnham United Reformed Church, South Street, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7QU

 If you would like more details please contact Mary on 07999 368128 or info@friendstogetherbereavement.org

There are also an evening session twice a month Monday evenings 7pm for those who need to talk and share about a bereavement. Parents, Spouses, Children, Friends... Do you know anyone who is grieving and would like support?

You are also welcome to bring someone you know who may benefit from the support group, but not want to attend on their own.  Accompanying friends are also very welcome.

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